Thursday, October 9, 2008

Truth On Eating Disorder

Eating disorder is such a weird illness don’t you think? The thought that eating can cause complication to our body is irrational. We all know that not everything we eat is nutritious especially if we overdo it that’s how we get sick. But mainly eating has a disorder? Eating is supposed to be a good thing to us, where we can get nutrition the natural way and not through commercial supplements.

But the truth is, there is such a thing as eating disorder or more commonly known as anorexia and bulimia. It is a disease that has taken its toll in our society, enough to make us aware of its capacity and dangerous results if not avoided. But basically, this kind of ailment is psychological. Usually individuals, who are persistent on getting their desired body image, mostly skinny, do everything necessary just to reach that goal. And they do it to the extent that they would force themselves to puke, use a lot of diet pills, do excessive exercise and even do illegal drugs. That is the reason why they can develop a lot of complication and could even result to death.

Luckily eating disorder treatment is available for them. They can get help in treatment centers who accepts patients with eating disorder and offer programs for them as well. There is hope to get cured as long as there is will to get better.

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