Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bulimia Nervosa

An individual suffering from the eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, will characteristically binge eat and purge. Binge eating is defined as eating in a fixed period of time with an excessive amount of food consumed. During this time someone with bulimia will often experience a lack of control over eating and the feeling that they cannot stop or control how much they are eating. Following binge eating is an episode of purging where an individual through different practices will attempt to rapidly remove the food they have just consumed before their body can digest it. While 75 % of people with bulimia purge by self-induced vomiting, other people will commonly use laxatives, enemas, diuretics, fast, and over exercise. Bulimia is a serious eating disorder and in serious cases may lead to death. Because an individual with bulimia typically weighs within an average body weight, it may be difficult to identify someone with this disorder. If a women or girl you know is suffering from bulimia you should encourage them to enter a women’s eating disorder program. There are also multiple bulimia treatment centers available to help men with bulimia. Because bulimia is related to feelings of lack of control and deep psychological issues, someone who is bulimic should seek professional care to work towards recovery.