Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bulimia Nervosa

An individual suffering from the eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, will characteristically binge eat and purge. Binge eating is defined as eating in a fixed period of time with an excessive amount of food consumed. During this time someone with bulimia will often experience a lack of control over eating and the feeling that they cannot stop or control how much they are eating. Following binge eating is an episode of purging where an individual through different practices will attempt to rapidly remove the food they have just consumed before their body can digest it. While 75 % of people with bulimia purge by self-induced vomiting, other people will commonly use laxatives, enemas, diuretics, fast, and over exercise. Bulimia is a serious eating disorder and in serious cases may lead to death. Because an individual with bulimia typically weighs within an average body weight, it may be difficult to identify someone with this disorder. If a women or girl you know is suffering from bulimia you should encourage them to enter a women’s eating disorder program. There are also multiple bulimia treatment centers available to help men with bulimia. Because bulimia is related to feelings of lack of control and deep psychological issues, someone who is bulimic should seek professional care to work towards recovery.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bulimia Cure

Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating and followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight. People with bulimia extremely concerned about their weight but can’t fight the urge to binge. As a result, they overeat and then they purge and do anything to get rid of the calories just like exercise.

This cycle of bingeing and purging can be broken. Effective bulimia cure and support is the key to help you and a loved one to restore a healthier relationship with food and conquer feelings of anxiety, guilt and shame. Bulimia treatment center is there to help people with this type of eating disorder. At treatment center, professional help may establish which will help you monitor your behavior and help you maintain a reasonable eating pattern.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Relieve Eating Disorders

Eating disorder is a mental problem that can be very hazardous to the person in concern. It is very hard to cure this will little knowledge about the problem. It takes proper counseling and the correct attitude to slowly get back in shape and escape the dilemma of eating disorder. This usually occurs to females because of low self esteem and confidence especially about when it comes to their figure. They are too much concerned about what people thinks of them and that pollutes their mind. Some female celebrities have been diagnosed with this problem because they are the ones who are very careful with their figure with the many eyes that look at them and criticize them.

The first the most important thing to consider in bouncing back from this kind of illness is self acceptance and just be proud of what you are. Believe in yourself and don’t mind what others see you. Show them who you are and let them embrace the true you and not you accepting who they think you are. Learn how to appreciate life even if you’re not perfect. As long as you do this, you will be relieved of the horrible ways of eating disorder.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Truth On Eating Disorder

Eating disorder is such a weird illness don’t you think? The thought that eating can cause complication to our body is irrational. We all know that not everything we eat is nutritious especially if we overdo it that’s how we get sick. But mainly eating has a disorder? Eating is supposed to be a good thing to us, where we can get nutrition the natural way and not through commercial supplements.

But the truth is, there is such a thing as eating disorder or more commonly known as anorexia and bulimia. It is a disease that has taken its toll in our society, enough to make us aware of its capacity and dangerous results if not avoided. But basically, this kind of ailment is psychological. Usually individuals, who are persistent on getting their desired body image, mostly skinny, do everything necessary just to reach that goal. And they do it to the extent that they would force themselves to puke, use a lot of diet pills, do excessive exercise and even do illegal drugs. That is the reason why they can develop a lot of complication and could even result to death.

Luckily eating disorder treatment is available for them. They can get help in treatment centers who accepts patients with eating disorder and offer programs for them as well. There is hope to get cured as long as there is will to get better.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Women And Eating Disorder

According to studies, ninety percent of the people who suffer from eating disorders anorexia and bulimia are women. Women are more conscious about their looks and figure than men. We always thought that eating disorder is all about food, weight and eating but that’s perception is quite a big mistake because eating disorder is more on feelings and self-expression. Women with this condition use foods and dieting to cope with life stresses, it can also be a source of comfort and nurturing, and can serves as a tool to release their stress.

Due to its unpleasant side effects, family members are seeking for eating disorder treatment to end their love one’s agony however finding one is pretty hard. People who have eating disorder often don’t think that there’s something wrong about them. There are different methods of treating eating disorder, you can choose to treat it at residential treatment center or outside also known as outpatient treatments. There are treatment center that offer women’s eating disorder program which is obviously created for women which is a big step to women who want to stop their not so good condition.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Physical Complications from Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restring food intake. Anorexia, in some psychological condition, is often associated of having a phobia for food. The cause of this eating disorder is not yet known although many factors had been considered in biological, social, and psychological categories. As a general symptom, a patient will refuse to maintain even to have a minimal normal body weight. Since food, the primary nutrition supplier to the body, was taken away, this could result to underweight and malnutrition.

It is important to know that the eating disorder anorexia nervosa doesn’t just end up as it is. In physical complications alone, a number of serious illnesses had been known to follow anorexia nervosa or being associated with it. In the cardiovascular system, insufficient nutrition and repetitive vomiting may be dangerous to heart muscles. As a result, a patient may develop irregular heartbeat, as in the case of arrhythmia and bradycardia, and even very low blood pressure. Blood-related illnesses had also been closely linked to anorexia. Most studies revealed that roughly one-third of anorexic patients also have below normal red blood count and half of them also have below normal white blood count. Stomach and intestine activities are also reduced to below normal among persons who are suffering from anorexia due to eating restriction. This explains extreme loss of weight. The kidney could have also have troubles in concentrating urine. This is an effect of low water intake going together with food. Growth development is also affected as a result low levels of growth hormones due to poor nutrition. Oftentimes, female also experience amenorrhea or stopping of menstrual flow in successive months. Bones of an anorexic person would likely to be easily fractured. It could have been a product of low calcium, the main bone element, intake and even low calcium absorption capacity of the body due to poor nutrition.

All of the above physical complications due to anorexia nervosa are detrimental to health and should be taken seriously. The good thing is that there has been effective treatment for this eating disorder. Daniel Johns should serve as an inspiration to anorexic patients who noticed this illness at a very young age. His struggles and dealing with anorexia ultimately lead him to live a normal life.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Treating Bulimia

Eating disorder occurs when a person doesn’t want to eat or avoid eating. This can affect every part of person’s life including physical and mental health. Eating disorder is one of the very alarming conditions which should not be taken for granted. Many people engage in such condition commonly at women and most especially to teen girls who is very conscious about their looks and to their body specifically.

There are many types of eating disorder; bulimia is one of these kinds also known as bulimia nervosa. It is characterized by episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control (purging). Bulimia does have vague reason why this happen, researchers believe that this is due to a person’s extreme concern of their body shape and size. This disorder often manifest to person with low self-esteem, feeling of helplessness, and a fear of becoming fat. This can cause lots of medical complications as well as the other type of eating disorder that’s why it is very important to seek treatment before it’s too late.

Living life free from any disorder is very fulfilling. There are bulimia treatment center that can help people in treating the disorder. If you have a family member that have eating disorder just like bulimia, your family member needs a lot of support. Seeing an eating disorder expert is a big help too to get that full recovery while staying at treatment center.

Anorexia: Normal Illess?

An enormous amount of people are struck with the illness of anorexia or bulimia. It’s sad to say that this ailment has become a natural dilemma in our society today. Because of the fact that good looks is a big deal now a days that people mostly women are getting the habit of taking a “diet” that usually means not eating or eating a small amount to reduce their weight and have a slim body. The media has something to do with this that inflicts the idea of having a sexy body is the cornerstone of this generation and not having it is like being an outcast to society. Famous icons from different fields are known to start this kind of trend that normal people follow and that’s where the problem starts.

It’s good to know that there are centers that cater the needs of these people with eating disorder and provide them with treatment. Equipped with the right and complete facilities to cover all the necessities of the clients and to be able to meet their demands in the process. The staffs that surround the patients are well trained and prepared to handle all situation even the most delicate condition. Backed up by professionals that have studied and devoted their time in helping the clients, worst case scenarios are well presumed to avoid further complications. The treatment programs are well planned and contemplated to reach the highest quality of care. Of course all of this is not possible with out the patient’s dedication on the whole development.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Anorexia And Bulimia Treatments: Anyone?

Eating disorder are more than just going on a diet to lose weight or trying to make sure you exercise daily however they’re complex psychological disorders in which individual’s eating patterns are developed and then habitually maintained in an attempt to cope with other problems in their life.

The most common types of eating disorder are anorexia and bulimia and they’re both scary and alarming especially to women, men sometimes engage in such disorder but very rare unlike to women. Both type of eating disorder almost have the same causes why it occur like low self-esteem, disconnection from self and appetite, anxiety, and family problems. People with anorexia have an extreme fear of gaining weight, some people having this disorder restrict their food intake which come to the point that they don’t feel hungry anymore and whenever they eat they feel guilty right away thinking they consume more of it which in the reality they just have 2-3 spoon. With bulimia, a person eats a lot of food (binge eating) and then tries to get rid of it such as by forcing themselves to vomit. People having this disorder at large amount of food (often unhealthy foods) at once, usually is secret.

People having this disorder should consult treatment as soon as possible since it is not healthy and can ruin one’s life forever. Treatment center would be a great place to stay for to those who want to recover. There are several unique programs are now available in order to cope with the condition. Just find the right treatment for you and of course see help from people who can understand you more and can help you manage the problem.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Women’s Sober Living House

Women’s sober living refers to a homelike setting for those women who are in early recovery from drugs, alcohol, and other addictions as well as eating disorder. Many women struggle from their weight and emotional issues due to their poor eating habits.

Eating disorder are serious conditions that cause both physical and emotional damages. It involves extreme disturbance in eating behaviors. Many people try to hide this condition from their family and love ones since they believe that there’s nothing wrong with them. There are many kinds of eating disorder, anorexia and bulimia are the most common of its type. Most women undergone this condition just want to loss their weight as more as possible thinking that they look very fat regardless of how thin they have become. For this reasons, many treatment center offer women’s eating disorder program so that they can help women recover from the condition since most of the population of eating disorder patient consists of women. There are lost of factors inviting women to experience from this disorder just like low self-esteem, abuse, family, friends, and media. This eating disorder program can meet every woman’s needs in their treatment hence there are deferent level of treatment for this condition depending on what stage they belong to.

Before the disorder come to worst be sure to get the right treatment and effective women’s sober living house. This is very essential since your health is the most important thing above all because if this will cause to damage everything may follow then.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How Is Anorexia Treated?

Having eating disorders information is very important since most people engaging in such condition don’t notice that they already employ in eating disorder. One kind of eating disorder is anorexia, people with such disorder starve themselves and avoid lots of high-calorie foods and perform their exercise regularly, it is also triggered by many factors that include relationship in the family and school. People with anorexia may believe they would be happier and more successful if they were thin or skinny. This kind of people wants everything to be perfect especially on their figure. However, this condition can lead to a serious medical problem and should apply treatment as soon as possible.

Anorexia treatment might be hard because they believe that there is nothing wrong with them but people suffering from anorexia should undergo its treatment to stop from losing more weight. Anorexia may be treated in an outpatient setting or stay at a residential treatment center. There are varieties of treatment available for this condition depending on the treatment center they’ve entered. The overall treatment of anorexia, however, must focus on more that weigh gain and also the treatment involves more than changing the person’s eating habits they may also undergo counseling.

They may frequently deny that there something wrong with them since gaining weight for them is seen as loss of control, they will do anything to lie and avoid eating in order not to gain weight. Anorexic patient’s love ones should not give in on their pleading. The best thing a family and friends can do is to love, understand and support them on their treatment.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Recovery Is Possible For Eating Disorder

Most people are anxious about how they look and feel self-conscious about their body which sometimes that concern develops into an obsession that can direct to eating disorders. Eating Disorders are illness that leads a person to take on bad and harmful eating habits. They are most common to teenage girls and women and sometimes men do have it too but very seldom. These are a serious health situation that may destruct both physical and emotional state of a person. The most common type of eating disorder is anorexia. People with anorexia have an extreme fear of weight gain, even if they are very thin and underweight, resulting in food withdrawal and starvation.

Having this kind of disorder is not that easy, it is a health condition that needs a professional attention and action that’s why lots of groups recommend several treatments in order to help people overcome any type of eating disorder. According to study there are lots of reason why a certain person develops this condition such as low self-esteem, an extreme consciousness regarding on their weight and sometimes family problem. There are different ways to manage the condition, a person can select from inpatient and outpatient treatment. Eating disorder outpatient program permits individuals to deal with their eating disorder matter with their own, this kind of treatment does not require the patient to live inside or enter in a treatment center. Such treatment gave the person a chance to live normal while treating their condition. There are people who monitor them and assure that the patient cooperate with the treatment. Cooperation and participation is very important for the possibility of one’s recovery, don’t limit yourself on what you can do to overcome it you have one, don’t be ashamed if you have this condition, the important is you’re strong enough to face the challenge of recovering from an eating disorder.

An Overview about Eating Disorder

Eating disorders involve ultimate disturbances in eating behavior, following diets, gorging on food in secret, throwing up after meals, obsessively getting countless calories. But eating disorders are more difficult than just unhealthy dietary habits. The points are eating disorders involve distorted, self attitudes about weight, food, and body image. It’s these contradicted thoughts and feelings or emotions that fuel the damaging behaviors.

Most people with eating disorders problems use food to deal with painful or uncomfortable emotions. Well, restricting food is used to feel in control, and overeating temporarily soothes sadness, anger, or loneliness. Purging is used to combat feelings of helplessness and self-loathing. If you will take a look people with eating disorders lose the ability to see themselves objectively and obsessions over food and weight come to dominate everything else in life.

Thinking about treatment? If you take a look on the other side of it the treatment focuses on helping people cope with their disordered eating behaviors and establish new systems or patterns of thinking about and approaching food. This will involve medical supervision, therapy, and nutritional counseling. The professionals will address a man’s perception about his or her body size, shape, eating, and food.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Free Yourself from Bulimia

Bulimia, or Bulimia Nervosa, is an abnormal eating condition characterized by binge-eating followed by self-induced vomiting or purging. It is abnormal in the sense that bulimic food intake is greater than the average then as a result of guilt feelings or wanting to get rid of the negative effects of overeating induces vomiting. This makes bulimia a psychological condition that should be treated with sufficient eating disorder information for a complete recovery.

It can complicate more into health-related problems. Bulimia can develop oral problems like tooth weakening and decay, gum problems, bad breath, and teeth discoloration due to gastric acid exposure out of self-induced vomiting. A sore throat would also be inevitable. A person suffering from bulimia would also experience dehydration, severe weakness, and fainting. A serious case of rupture in any of the digestive organs should also not be ignored.

So check yourself and act before it’s too late. There is always an option to overcome bulimia. Its severity can be controlled in strict professional means. Bulimia recovery programs should be packed with intensive psychotherapy or counseling combined with attentive medical and nutritional supplementation to ensure lifelong effectiveness. The counseling part would enable bulimic to cope with the emotional distress of eating disorder and its complications, while the medical part would improve full body system recovery out of its physical damage.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Role of the Family in Eating Disorders Treatment and Recovery

Anorexia and bulimia affects not only the person with any of the eating disorders. Families are greatly affected by this threatening disorder and are usually expected to take initial step in seeking professional eating disorder help from various eating disorder treatments Los Angeles. By seeking professional help,

Families play a vital role in protecting kids and family members from developing anorexia and other eating disorders. In fact, recent researches reveal that some families are likely to be among the risk factors cited in women's eating disorder programs.

Most eating disorder treatment centers strongly support and encourage families to work hand-in-hand with professionals while a family member is undergoing eating disorder treatment. This is the essence of Maudsley method, a family-based approach that involves the strong participation of parents and other family members. Maudsley method features the involvement of the entire family in the eating disorder treatment process. In this method, families are expected to monitor eating patterns at home and to encourage these anorexic-bulimic individuals to develop healthy eating habits. If done properly, Maudsley method will not only restore the proper weight and reestablish the patient physically. This will also improve parent-child relationships.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Eating Disorders among Kids and Teenagers

Like any other disease, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia could happen to anybody else regardless of age and sex. Recent statistics conducted by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reveal that eight million people across United States have eating disorders, 90% of which are women.

The study conducted revealed that eating disorders develop when one enters puberty. It is on this period when kids undergo dramatic physical changes and when there is strong social pressure to stick to a certain 'ideal' image. During this period, kids become particularly concerned of their weight and usually end up with an obsession to stay stick-thin.

This obsession later on becomes eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia- eating disorders that cause dramatic weight fluctuations, health problems, and in worst cases, death.

Persons with anorexia have extreme fear of gaining weight. Anorexic people practically restrict their food intake by strict dieting and or fasting. On the other hand, persons with bulimia have binge periods, when they would eat unusually large amounts of food, Bulimic periods binge and purge.

Eating disorders information will be of great help in educating kids and teenagers about proper eating habits and proper attitudes toward food.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Causes of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are threatening diseases that need to be stopped as early as possible if families were to evade the high costs of eating disorder programs. Apparently this statement is easier said than done. In the first place, women who are more likely to have this disorder are in denial of the existence of such problems; hence seeking professional help is usually not a primary alternative. In typical instances, some would try to avail eating disorder treatment after a successful intervention - only to end in brief hiatus from such unhealthy relationship to food. Some persons would starve themselves to death or binge and purge. As if that were enough, laxatives are abused to further strengthen the resolute struggle to attain a desired body weight. Until such time that eating disorder recovery is almost uncertain.

But why would anyone binge, binge and purge, and in the long run, drag themselves to death by starving? What could have driven these people to such unhealthy vice? Should anyone pinpoint families as a primary factor in the development of anorexia or bulimia? Is culture to be blamed?

The family plays a pivotal role in the development of eating disorders. Children whose parents are suffering from any of the eating disorders are prone to develop similar diseases among them. Interpersonal relationships as well as emotional and psychological problems may also trigger eating disorders. Feelings of inadequacy, depression, anxiety and loneliness along with poor relationships with family members may also result to eating disorder anorexia nervosa and other illnesses.

Eating disorders information cites emotional instability as a common cause of various eating disorders. Traumatic events like death of a close relative or friend, separation and divorce of parents, rape, abortion, rejection and derogatory remarks creates intense emotional pain; Family orientation on the use of drugs and alcohol; Mood disorders because of bio-chemical changes, in which case the person usually does not have a grip at what is happening in and around him or her. This is typically accompanied with feelings of fear to seek professional help from anorexia or bulimia treatment centers. Low self-esteem is also among the reasons why some women binge.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dealing with Anorexic-Bulimic Persons

The slightest sign and symptoms of eating disorders should not be overlooked. This is what most eating disorder treatment centers have to say. And indeed, anorexia bulimia treatment is very essential if one would choose not to wait for the worst results of anorexia and bulimia.

But how should anyone deal with an anorexic bulimic individual?

Persons with eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia need an overwhelming support and the unconditional love from family and friends. You need to talk to them in an atmosphere of acceptance and without making them feel being judged.

For this reason, it is best to talk to these persons at a chosen time and situation, and with the utmost care. Critical or statements of accusations should be avoided as much as possible. Instead, communicate and let the person know your utmost concern for their health and wellbeing.

Do not persuade them to acknowledge the eating disorder right away. You cannot expect these individuals to see and admit the problem within them. In fact, denial of this problem is common among these persons.

It will also be helpful to seek professional help from eating disorder treatment Los Angeles. These centers offer flexible eating disorder programs proven to cure anorexia and bulimia.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Healthy Eating

Eating is one of our daily routine in life. It is an activity where we consume a certain amount of food to reenergize our bodies from a hectic day of work, school or play. We can do it any time of day but we usually eat our big meals during morning for breakfast, noon for lunch and late afternoon or evening for dinner but we sometime eat snacks in between them. We have to eat what’s supposed to be healthy for us and only the right amount. But some have this eating disorder, a problem that deals with eating less or more that our body requires.

Anorexia is an illness because of eating a small amount of food and because of that a person gets less nutrition in the body. An anorexic has a mental disorder that stops oneself from eating because he/she is too worried about his/her body’s figure. A person with this sickness eats a certain volume of food and vomits it out because might alter the person’s figure. Certain features of anorexics are that their bodies are skin and bones, dry skin and bulging eyes. Celebrities are usually diagnosed with this because of the image they have to maintain. Having anorexia is a vital illness that could lead to various complications or even death.

Bulimia is also a mental illness like anorexia but the difference is, it happens to fat individuals. This illness happens to be as deadly as anorexia in ever angle. A person with this type of illness develops gluttony which means eating a large amount of food, way more that our body’s requirement in an interval of a short period of time like ten to fifteen minutes. After the person have eaten the large amount of food, the person with realize that he/she have eaten a lot and try to eliminate it by vomiting, excessive exercise, diet pills and drugs. After that the person will eat a large sum of food again and the cycle will go on.

Anorexia and bulimia is a life-threatening illness that should be dealt with. We should practice the right eating manners and know what foods are beneficial to us. Let us eat healthy to keep ourselves in good shape.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Key to Early Recovery from Eating Disorders

Alright, it may not be you who have any of the eating disorders. But it might be a family, a close friend, or a work mate you should intervene for - before it is too late. You see eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia can be devastating and can eventually lead to death if not treated at the onset of the disease.

There are many things you can do to address the eating disorders your loved one is facing.

Talking with persons who had anorexia bulimia treatment will be a good start for eating disorder treatment. These people have first hand experiences of how it is being inside eating disorder treatment Los Angeles. Learn about how they developed the disorder and the eating disorder help they secured. This information will help you decide which treatment to seek for you or your loved one.

There are also various women's eating disorder programs across the state. These eating disorder programs are flexible and usually customized depending on the need of the patient. Some local hospitals may also provide eating disorder outpatient program to help patients who seek anorexia treatment but would rather stay home with their families.

What is more prevalent is the residential treatment of anorexia and bulimia where patients are confined in eating disorder treatment centers. This way, patients are well-monitored and guided along by health trained professionals whose expertise is at providing eating disorder help.

Eating disorder is treatable. If confronted as early as possible and if interventions are given, these eating disorders will be cured and patients will be able to lead back a normal and fruitful life again.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Treatment Center for Overeaters

When you hear something about a treatment center the first thing that comes into your mind are either drug addicts or alcoholics because this is usually the place where substance abusers are admitted. Well, there is another kind of treatment center that still deals with clients that are addicted but to a different kind of substance, and that is food.

Eating disorder treatment center is a place for looking after individuals with anorexia and bulimia conditions. They offer help for these individuals who overeat due to depression, stress, pressure, anxiety, tension or trauma. Bulimia is a common mental illness of people who eats way more that the normal body’s requirement and in a fixed period of time. After they have consumed a hefty load of food, they would try to eliminate it by vomiting, heavy exercise, diet pills and drug consumption.

In order to obtain bulimia recovery programs are enforced. These programs are met through vigorous focus on the problem at hand. Transition in a healthy living, away from bad old habit is a way to allow the patients to identify and work on their issues to enhance their coping skills with the guidance of the dedicated staffs.

The staffs are usually composed of people dedicate to pour their time on supervising and counseling individuals with compulsive overeating disorder. Professionals such as dieticians, physicians, psychiatrists, therapists, psychologists and counselors compose the team. They have years of experience in this line of work which ensures long term effect and recovery.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thoughts to Ponder

Foods are indispensable to all living things, both human and animals. Without it, life ceases and living things face the certainty of extinction. Foods promote growth and supplies force and heat. It also provides elements and materials necessary to repair or replace worn out tissues or cells in the body. There isn't a single time when the body performs vital processes within itself -thus requiring the body a constant supply of important nutrients that comes from food and drinks.

Though a basic fact, this thought on the importance of food is often misconstrued by many who have eating disorders. These people either have unhealthy and distorted attitudes toward food and nutrition. As a result, these kinds of people suffer several health issues such as anorexia and bulimia.

Women's eating disorder programs suggest that the key to eating disorder recovery is developing healthy relationships with food. It is important to learn and understand the function of foods and the proper way to prepare delicious as well as nutritious foods.

Eating disorder treatment Los Angeles observes that most women who stick to strict diets ends up with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. They are also more likely to binge and purge in an effort to keep up with their desired body size and image.

Eating disorder treatment centers teaches patients the proper attitudes toward food and nutrition. These facilities help those with eating disorders to overcome their fears such as gaining unnecessary weights; it helps them eat healthy foods and become fit and healthy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Binge Eating

Birthdays, graduations and anniversaries are among the several occasions when indulging on food is a trend. After all, these are special events that do not happen everyday. In this case, food intake and the amount of calories do not seem to matter at all. There are other people, though, who over-indulge on food even on regular days. These people who overeat have binge-eating disorders, a serious eating disorder characterized by too much consumption of food with short periods of time known as binge periods or binge episodes.

Persons suffering from compulsive overeating disorder otherwise known as binge-eating disorder carry with them the guilt and embarrassment for over-eating and would usually make promises to get away from the habit of binge eating. However, most of these persons fail to get away from this vice. A person suffering from binge eating disorder regularly consumes excessive amount of food.

There are no established physical signs and symptoms yet for this eating disorder, but women’s eating disorder program says that binge eating can occur among the overweight and obese or even among those who have normal weights. In most instances, binge eaters are likely to exhibit behaviors such as eating large amounts of food, even when already full. The person may also feel unable to control his/her eating behavior. Binge eaters too often experiences depression and anxiety over their body weight and are more likely to feel disgusted about their eating behaviors.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bulimia – Causes and Symptoms

Bulimia is a type of eating disorder that is common among women. This disease is characterized by eating a lot of food within a short period of time which is followed by different measures to control weigh gain. Persons suffering from this disease which is also known as bulimia nervosa engage in several practices that jeopardizes their health such as induced vomiting, following a strict diet, exercising even when sick, and taking in laxatives.

The causes of bulimia are still not established though. It is certain however, that this eating disorder is a result of several factors that involves one’s health, family, culture and environment. Bulimia treatment centers, for example, observe that some bulimic persons have unhealthy disrupted teeth and dental cavities that are too sensitive to either hot or cold foods. This health status is believed to be a factor that triggers bulimia.

Prevailing cultures also affect the development of bulimia among men and women. Mass media, for example is filled with pictures of those who have the ‘ideal body’ image shown in skinny, flawless, thin frames. Cultures silently instills among people that being sexy is getting petite, thin body frames, like those of bulimic fashion models.

Bulimia is most likely to happen in families where the mother or a sibling suffering the eating disorder. This could also happen in families where being thin is given such a big deal, or dieting is stressed. Low self-esteem and anxiety can also result to bulimia.

Those who have bulimia exhibit several signs and symptoms of this eating disorder. Bulimic persons have excessive concern about their body shape and weight and have the notion that they have to shed off more weight, even when they are already thin and frail. These persons often resort to binge eating, taking in excessively large amounts of food within a short period of time, and then purges it back for fear of gaining additional weight. This period is called binge eating and purging.